Monday, 30 December 2019

Serene concert of Vidwan Girijashankar

On Saturday, 28th December, 2019, we had the pleasure of attending a nice concert of Vidwan Girijashankar Sundaresan accompanied by Vidwan Pappu Gyandev on the violin and Vidwan Sudhindra on the mridangam. Chennai Fine Arts hosted this concert at Shastri Hall, Mylapore. All the artists were ready, including a complete sound check done, by 10 minutes before 3 PM! The artists as well as the audience were having an awkward wait, before Girijashankar requested the organizers at 5 minutes to 3 PM, whether they could begin the concert. The organizer was kind enough to permit saying "Though the regular audience would be walking in, expecting the start of concert at 3, let those who are already present have the pleasure of listening to one extra song."

Girijashankar Sundaresan, Pappu Gyandev and Sudhindra
With vigour, Girijashankar began with the Adi tALam kalyANi varnam, vanajAkshirO. This was rendered in a brisk pace, Pappu and Sudhindra playing softly and warming up to the concert. At this point I would like to point out that the audio was set optimally for the hall - not too loud, unlike some sabhas and organizations set things up, now-a-days! I also noticed that it was all controlled from a Pad device - looks like they have got the right audio folks, unlike some old sabhas still sticking to their old associations and technology! :-( OK enough of the deviation from the topic.

Girijashankar & Pappu gave a short AlApanai of Anandabhairavi before they sang the Shri Shyama Sastri kriti pAHishri girijAsutE set to rUpaka tALam. The next song was also a good surprise, which is not heard much of late in the first part of concerts - rAgam naLinakAnti. After a different structured AlApanai in this rAgam (to me it seemed more weightage was given to avarOHanam also, without losing the beautiful colour of naLinakAnti), Girijashankar took up Thanjavur Shri Sankara Iyer kriti, natajanapAlini naLinakAnti. It has been ages since I heard this and it was refreshing presentation.

The big elaboration for the afternoon was in mAyAmALavagowLa, which was again taken up from a different part of the scale. Both Girijashankar and Pappu gave an elaborate essay, followed by vidulaku mrokkEdA, the composition of Saint Thyagaraja. Neraval and Kalpanaswarams were rendered with ease by both, and Girijashankar used his nice voice well. Sudhindra then presented a very detail laya vinyAsam.

Girijashankar closed the concert with the husEni kriti of Arunachala Kavirayar, eppaDi manam tunindadO and the beHAg tillAnA of Lalgudi Shri G Jayaraman, in a flourish. Concerts of hour and 15 minutes are difficult to plan for - and we could understand the team's intent to take an extra 5 minutes, by starting early. Hope organizers give at minimum an hour and half for concerts. It was satisfying afternoon spent with the music & the good audio settings in Shastri Hall.

Monday, 23 December 2019

Musiri Chamber - Divine Nagaswaram Concert of Desur Selvarathinam and party

Usually I do not write the notes on concerts that are webcast live, especially, if it will be available online for a while for everyone to enjoy for themselves. No 3rd party commentary (mine) is required for the rasikas who view such concerts. However, in this case, I would like to bring the outstanding concert to the notice of the rasikas who may miss this one. Here are the simple concert notes, while the rest is available for you to enjoy direct from YouTube.
Kanchi Kamakshi Temple Vidwans Desur Selvarathinam along with his sons Shri Shanmugasundaram (dressed in red) and Shri Sethuraman (sitting on right hand side of Shri Selvarathinam, in white) performed on Sunday morning, 22 December 2019, from 10 AM, along with Vidwan Velliambakkam Palanivel (blue shirt) and Vidwan Pondichery Saravanan (olive green shirt).
Simply put this was a divine concert with amazing shruthi alignment of all 3 Nagaswaram vidwans, very well supported by the Thavil vidwans. In the words of a parama rasika of Carnatic Music, especially Shri Muthuswami Dikshitar kritis, the Musiri house was converted into a temple by their music. In conclusion - don't miss watching /listening to this - if you don't have time, do so in parts. Full stop.
Triple Nagaswaram - Desur Selvarathinam and Party
  1. siddhi vinAyakam sEvEHam - mOHanakalyANi - Adi - Harikesanallur Muthaiah Bhagavatar
  2. rItigowLai - janani ninnuvinA - misra cApu - Subbaraya Shastri
  3. Arabhi - sAdincenE O manasA - Adi - Thyagaraja
  4. lalitA - HiranmayIm lakshmIm sadA bhajAmi - rUpakam - Muthuswami Dikshitar
  5. shuddha sAvEri - dArini telusu konTi - Adi - Thyagaraja
  6. karunincuTaku idi samayamayyA - sindhumandAri - Adi - Patnam Subramania Iyer
  7. shanmukhapriyA - ekAmrEsha nAyakim - Adi - Muthuswami Dikshitar
  8. shrI cakrarAja simHAsanEshvari - rAgamAlikai (cencuruTTi, punnAgavarALi, nAdanAmakriyA, sindhubhairavi) - Adi - Agastiyar
  9. beHAg kriti jAvaLi
  10. kApi - pazhani ninRa - rUpakam - Periyasami Thooran
  11. eppaDi pADinarO - karnATaka dEvagAndhAri - Adi - Shuddhananda Bharathi
  12. bAgeshrI kriti
  13. tiruppugazh in HamsAnandi
  14. mangaLam
Repeating the conclusion - Don't miss. PS: When you go to Kanchi Kamakshi temple hope you get time to listen to them in the divine settings.
YouTube channel name - Musiri Chamber
URL for this concert -

PS: Thanks to clarification by Shri Sethuraman, son of Shri Desur Selvarathinam, item number 9 is a jAvaLi - nirupama svAmi ninnu - beHAg - rUpakam - Poochi Srinivasa Iyengar. Also, item number 12 is jaya jAnaki ramana - bAgeshrI - kanDa cApu - Badhrachala Ramadasar.

MMS2019-03 - Melodious soulful music - Vidwan Saketharaman at MFAC

Vidwan Saketharaman gave us a thorough musical treat on 20 December, 2019, at Mylapore Fine Arts Club (TAG-MFAC Auditorium). He was accompanied by Vidwan Nagai Muralidharan on violin (from whom he is continuing his learning now), Vidwan Trichy Harikumar on Mridangam and Vidwan K V Gopalakrishnan on the kanjira. As this is the first concert I am attending in this season at TAG-MFAC, I was happy to note the pleasing backdrop colour choice. Also, in this concert the audio seemed to have been set well by the engineers and artists, and volume was also set to reasonable medium level, instead of usual blaring speakers. This added to the serene quality of the two and half hours of brilliant exposition by the stalwarts.
Saketharaman began the concert with the nATTa kriti 'rE rE mAnasa bhajarE' composed by Shri Cheyyur Chengalvaraya Sastri, set to rUpaka tALam. This set the mood for the entire evening. If that was not enough to indicate, he quickly moved on to Thiruppavai portion 'Azhi mazhai kaNNA' in varALi rAgam (we won't mind the rain, more rain and rain again anytime in Chennai - so bring it on please).
Saketharaman and Team - AlApanai in progress
The first elaboration for the evening was khamAs. Though some may consider this as a lightish rAgam, both Saketharaman and Muralidharan brought out the various possibilities of this rAgam, especially with guidance of Dikshitar kritis. The Shri Muthuswami Dikshitar kriti 'santAna gOpAlakrishNam upAsmaHE' was sung in leisurely manner. These choices and those to come were all contributing to the tone for this concert. Another detail presentation of AlApanai followed, in the rAgam yadukula kAmbhOji. When Saketharaman had completed a good essay, Muralidharan took off and showed a few extra facets in his compact rendition. The Shri Subbaraya Sastri kriti in misra cApu tALam, 'ninnu sEvinci' was sung & played with aplomb.
At this time I have to mention that Harikumar and KVG played quite softly all through the concert, especially for khamAs and yadukula kAmbhOji kritis, beautifully aligning with the choices of songs as well as the mood of the concert. The volume for the percussions were also a tad lower than for vocal and violin - this also helped. Maybe many sabhas and auditoriums can learn from this setting. It was really soothing for the ears and the artists made it soothing for the soul. Saketharaman announced that he had learnt this kriti from Muralidharan - no wonder both worked in tandem to present this superb composition. A medium paced 'rAkA sashivadanA' in rAgam takka was presented next, after which he announced the rAgam and sang the ArOHanam-avarOHanam. Possibly he saw a few quizzical looks, which augurs well too, in the sense that not many are searching the internet on their mobile, but trying to figure on their own.
Then came the main item for the evening in bhairavi. After the first phrase, he seemed to be motivated into a higher level, that the gloves were off... eh, I mean he took off his spectacles. Maybe he wanted everything to just flow freely. Manodharma unfettered! This was followed by sari evvarammA of Shri Shyama Sastri in kanDa jAti jhampa tALam. The neraval and kalpanaswarams were followed by a brilliant tani avartanam by Harikumar and KVG, where lot of nuanced korvais were played (though I don't understand much), as thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed by all the 4 artists! The two also ensured that after 2 exchanges, they did not go into regular kuraippu exchanges, but played the closing laya vinyAsam together, before Saketharaman continued with repeat of caranam 1, followed by the svara sAHityam in two speeds. A complete rendition of bhairavi and combined with laya vinyAsam - total satisfaction.
Of course, this is not enough for us, right? Clock said we had 50 minutes to go - giving lot of comfort that a rAgam-tAnam-pallavi is definitely in store for us. He presented a short sArangA composition 'kaNmaNiyE shollaDi' of Shri Mazhavai Chidambara Bharati, before the spectacles came off again (to stay off till end of concert). The ghana rAgam Arabhi was chosen for the rAgam-tAnam-pallavi, the entire AlApanai for which was presented in one stretch. The tAnam was presented in four parts - after the first part in Arabhi, Saketharaman chose kANaDa and shubhapantuvarALi for the next two parts, before returning to Arabhi to close it. The pallavi was set to tisra jAti jhampa tALam in kanDa nadai - ArabhimAnam vaittAdarippAr angayarkanni. They made it look so simple! After singing in different gaits, Saketharaman started the kalpana swarams in rItigowLa, sUryA, and bAgEshri, before the final set in Arabhi. With all these variations & detail presentation, he still managed to finish it leaving time for couple of tukkaDAs.
The rAgamAlikai 'kaNNanai kANbadeppO' in HamsAnandi, nATTakurinji, shuddha dhanyAsi and AbhOgi was followed by the paras tillAnA before the mangaLam. Melodious music, good setting of acoustics, free flowing manOdharma, all 4 stalwarts - everything contributed to a very happy evening! Look forward to listening to them for many more years to come.

Sunday, 22 December 2019

MMS2019-02 - Trivandrum Dr. G Baby Sreeram at Music Academy

We had the pleasure of enjoying a well planned concert of Dr. Baby at the Music Academy, on 19 December 2019. She was accompanied by Vidushi Padma Shankar on the violin, Vidwan Nellai A Balaji on the Mridangam and Malaikottai R M Deenadayalu on the Moharsing. The morning concert began on the dot at 9 AM, as we sat listening from the canteen - yeah, we were a bit late & had to listen to the first two compositions from there. The clarity was muffled by the pedestal fans and general chatter - so could not identify the kalyANi varnam (probably the aTa tALam varnam) and a popular shrIranjani kriti (the caranam was clearer but hands were busy stuffing the mouth; instead of noting the lyrics on pad / mobile).
We were comfortably seated in the back rows when Baby presented a serene version of the sowrAshTram based kriti 'shrI ranganAtuDE', of Thiru Ponnaiah Pillai. The first detail exposition for the concert was danyAsi, where Baby's delineation was dripping with bhAvAm and followed well by Padma. The kriti 'shOdippadenna nyAyamA' composed by Shri Neelakanta Sivan was sung in detail with neraval and kaplanaswarams to give justice to this choice. Then, after a brief AlApanai in kaNNaDA, Baby sang the rarely heard (at least for me) Saint Thyagaraja kriti 'sAkEta nikEtana'.
Dr Baby Sreeram and Team in progress
ShanmukhapriyA was taken up as the main rAgam for the morning, with a different start off point than I have heard so far. From this and other details displayed in pallavi of the day, it was clear that Baby had planned novelty while sticking to the patantaram and melody of music. After her detail essay, Padma presented a compact version of the rAgam too, followed by the kriti 'mAmava karuNayA', a Maharaja Swathi Tirunal composition set to misra cApu tALam. Neraval and kalpanaswarams were compact too, and then we realized that the laya vinyAsam was going to follow, though it was just about 10:30 AM (1:30 hours into the concert). Both Balaji and Deenadayalu gave a good detail vinyAsam in the misra cApu tALam, with some interesting starting and landing points, as they were not on the samam. In my opinion, it takes quite a bit of practice and vidwath to be able to do that. Looking at the time utilized judiciously by the team, we were sure the next item would be a rAgam-tAnam-pallavi (45 minutes to go in the time allotted).
Baby took up sAvEri rAgam for the pallavi, the rAgam covered in one single stretch. The tAnam was sung & played well by Baby & Padma respectively in alternate phases initially and ending in an complementary sequence. Baby announced that it is a simple pallavi and hence not going to explain - an Adi tALam pallavi in kanDa naDai, which went 'enakkoru varam nI aruL shabEshA, vEriDam Edum illai abhaya'. As the pUrvAngam ended with shabEshA, in one avartanam she highlighted the name of the rAgam by ending instead at "shabE'shA vEri'". After the tri-kAlam presentation she directly moved to rAgamAlikai presentation of the pallavi and kalpanaswarams in each of the following rAgams. The first choice was 'varamu' (shuddha HindOLam), which again she highlighted a bit in one cycle at 'enakkoru varamu'. The other rAgams in sequence were Anandabhairavi, varALi, kAmbhOji and HamsAnandi. Following this she presented the kalpanaswarams in sAveri and then all the rAgamAlikai swarams (one avartanam each) in reverse order. By the end of the rAgam-tAnam-pallavi rasikAs would have definitely understood the nuanced presentation that had been planned and executed. Kudos to Baby & Padma for including this comfortably in the two-and-half-hour concert.
After a short viruttam in HindOLam and rEvati, Baby sang 'ariyAdadEnO umadarumai' in rEvati (kanDa cApu tALam) - could not find the composer in my limited searches. Maybe a composition of her own (or her husband Palakkad Sreeram?). And it closed exactly on the dot, as the clock literally flipped to 11:30 AM.
A scan of the audience showed lot of artists, young-and-old, junior-and-top-grade, etc. From this and a few other indicators (the booklet of all concerts in Chennai showing at least 50+ per day), we are assured that some journalists (writing in prominent newspapers) are either in a cocoon, blind, in denial, or have an agenda of promoting some specific group(s), when they say that Carnatic music's flag is being held high only by the efforts of the specific group(s).

Saturday, 21 December 2019

MMS2019-01 - Veenai Vidwan Ramana Balachandran at CMI

Veenai Vidwan Ramana Balachandran at CMI

On Wednesday, 18 December, 2019, at Chennai Mathematical Institute, Ramana performed a Veenai recital along with Vidwan Arvind Ranganathan on the Mridangam. This was a pleasant concert in the Auditorium with good acoustics. He began the evening's proceedings with Saint Thyagaraja kriti 'ninnE bhajana' in nATTa rAgam, after a brief AlApanai. This was followed by a good AlApanai in bhairavi before presenting Shri Muthuswami Dikshitar's panca bhUta stala kriti 'cintaya mA kanda mUlakandam', on the pritvi lingam in Kanchipuram.
AlApanai in full flow
After the detail bhairavi came aTu kArAdani in the rAgam manOranjani, another composition of Saint Thyagaraja. The fourth rAgam played was nATTakurinji, in brief, before the song 'vazhi maraittirukkudE' of Shri Gopalakrishna Bharathi was rendered. In each of the four compositions, Ramana sang the pallavi, anupallavi & caranam in brief, before playing all the sangatis, as seems to be his style of recital.
The detail presentation of the evening was kalyANi. Ramana was in his elements and explored this heavyweight rAgam in full detail, immersed in the rAgam and thoroughly enjoyed it, as did we. The Maharaja Swathi Tirunal kriti, 'pankaja lOcana' set to misra cApu tALam was the song chosen for the evening. After the song, the kalpanaswarams were played in alternate manner, whereby the mridangist played the korvai after each veenai exposition.
Next came a short interlude of the bindu mAlini kriti of Saint Thyagaraja, 'enta muddO', before he announced a short rAgam tAnam pallavi in brindAvani. He revelled in presenting the rAgam and tAnam in this rAgam, before singing a few Avartanams of the pallavi - 'gurunAtA aruNa gurunAtA ramaNA karuNA saccidAnanda' set to Eka tALam in misra naDai (if identification of tALam is wrong, mistake is mine). The pallavi was played in three kAlams as well as a few technical variations (as a layman, don't know much of that). This was followed by detail kalpanaswarams and the laya vinyAsam by Arvind. Arvind took his time to demonstrate the various gatis and kAlapramAnams over full 10 minutes & showed his prowess.
Ramana then closed the concert by playing a kriti in saHAnA before the traditional 'mangaLam' and 'aruNAcala shiva' bhajan.
There are many rasikAs who really appreciate Ramana's vocal rendition of portions of each song, before completing all the different sangatis on the veenai. The composition is then identified for the rasikAs and we can appreciate more. He has a very good voice and control too, to really do a great job in singing. However, in my opinion, the singing of anupallavi / caranam(s) are small check-dams in the smooth flow of the river. Somehow the mood of the kriti seems to get disturbed a bit by the switch to vocal 2 or 3 times for each composition. I would like to get more people's opinion on this aspect of the veenai recital.
Overall a nice conert in a superb auditorium with excellent acoustics, with bhairavi, kalyANi and brindAvani played very well and in detail.