On 3rd October, Guruvaaram, at Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Shankara Matam, we were given a special treat of laya vinyAsam by Guru Karaikudi Mani on Mridangam and Vidwan Giridhar Udupa on the Ghatam. I haven't heard a better laya vinyAsam live, where both the artists not only played intricate patterns, but also were completely in synchronization on all the long korvais that they played together. Whether it was superb anticipation of Vidwan Udupa to the Guru's playing or whether it is his knowledge and vidwat over period of time to know what the Guru would play, only the artists or experts can enlighten us. In most concerts, we have the followers trying to anticipate / guess the main laya vidwan, which leads to either gaps during unsure steps, or alternate korvai being played in parallel. Here, it was not the case at all. In each round of exchange, both the vidwans joined in last few avartanams and played the exact korvai in total syncronization. The final joint exposition by both ,over many minutes, was perfect & complete as a team! No difference in korvais. Amazing. I wonder if anyone would have a recording, so others can enjoy this treat too!
Coming back to the complete series of concerts, this laya vinyAsam was included in the Carnatic vocal concert of Vidwan Kunnakudi M Balamuralikrishna, accompanied by Vidwan H N Bhaskar on the Violin. This was a very good concert, as can be expected from such stalwarts. Earlier, Guru Karaikudi Mani was honoured by the Matam on occasion of Anusha nakshatram and guruvaaram, beginning his 75th year. Coincidentally, this matam in Malleshwaram was begun in the 75th year of Jagadguru Jayendra Saraswati Swamigal, now celebrating his avatara's 85th year in this mahotsav.

Vidwan K M BMK made a nice choice of compositions, each from a different composer. Beginning with viribOni in bhairavi, he chose gowLa kriti on maHagaNapati by Shri Muthuswami Dikshitar. A brief AlApanai in asAveri followed by shrI kAnci nAyikE by Annaswami Shastri was the third item for the day. A viruttam-like rendition of a Purandara Dasa lyric in Purvikalyani was followed by another kriti of same composer mAnava janma doDDadu.
A brisk sarasa sAma dhAna in kApi narAyani was followed by the main for the day in madhyamAvati. Being navarathri mahotsav, pAlimcu kAmAkshi of Shyama Sastri was the main. As mentioned before, the laya vinyAsam that followed was a treat I have never felt in ANY concert - ever. The last two items were a kriti in HamIr kalyANi of Kamalesha vittala folowed by the brindAvani tillAnA of Dr. M Balamuralikrishna. A complete veritable feast from the stalwarts.
On the previous day, the 2nd October, Wednesday, another good concert was held, rendered by Vidushi Sangeetha Sivakumar accompanied by Vidwan RK Shriram Kumar on violin, Vidwan Sivaraman on Mridangam and Vidwan Guruprasanna on kanjira. Beginning with vidulaku mrokkeda, a Saint Thyagaraja kriti in mAyAmALavagowLa, she gave a brief AlApanai in jayantasEna followed by vinatasuta vAHana. The third song was prefaced by a good AlApanai from both, in bEgaDA, shankari nIvE being the appropriate kriti for the day.
Then a brief dEvi brova samayamidE in cintAmani was followed by very detail presentation of pUrvi kalyANi. mInAkshi mEmudam dEHi was sung in detail with usual neraval and kalpanaswarams, followed by the laya vinyAsam. The last three items for the day were pUnkuyil kUvum of Kalki Krishnamurthi in kApi, innudaya bAradE in kalyAnavasantam (prefaced by viruttam in HindOlam, saHAnA and kalyAnavasantam) and an abhang, dhAva vibhO karunAkara mAdhava, in yamunAkalyANi. The audience were suddenly left in lurch as she indicated the concert had ended.
Everyone was confused and people dispersed without any claps, leave alone an ovation. That was a bit odd, especially as the good concert seemed to end unappreciated. She has a booming voice and resonated in the hall. Hope the modified structure of such concert is explained to the audience for everyone's better understanding.
The 2nd concert of the series held earlier on 30th September, was by Vidushis Akkarai sisters Subhalakshmi and Swarnalatha. This concert had a very meditative tone, both in terms of choice of kritis as well as the renditions. It seemed very appropriate for a presentation at the matam's hall with Ambal's sannidi. They began the concert with tODi svarajati of Shyama Sastri, rAvE Himagiri kumAri. That set the pace and the mood for the entire concert. sItammA mAyamma in vasantA was the next song presented, followed by a very detail AlApanai of naganandini. Vidushi H M Smitha also presented a crisp version of the AlApanai. This AlApanai was followed by a composition of Akkarai Swarnalatha in naganandini, the lyrics of which I am not sure of - so I am not mentioning here. Vidwans Jayachandra Rao (mridangam) and Lakshminarayanan (mohrsing) played very well within the same mood of the concert with apt accompaniment.
The sisters surprised us by singing HiranmayIm in lalitA (as they had sung vasantA as second item). The main rAgam chosen was kalyANi, the AlApanai of which was followed by a viruttam (vandE mAtaram ambikAm) before taking up kamalAmbAm bhajarE. Another new composition we heard was one of their grandfather (Suchindram Shri S P Sivasubramaniam bhagavatar) kalai amudam, in rAgam nIlamani. Then came pAlaya vEnkata ramanA in a north Indian rAgam, probably related to shubhapantuvarALi. This was set by Hyderabad sisters, they announced. They completed the concert by singing karpagamE in madhyamAvati followed by mangaLam.
Thank you very much for documenting it. Very precise at the same time elaborate.